Youth Mentoring


The HOPE Youth Mentoring (Helping One Person Excel) was created in August of 1997, and since it’s inception, has matched hundreds of young people in Livingston County with mentors.  The boys and girls who are referred to the program are between the ages of 6-16 and in need of extra support.  These youth are experiencing difficulties at home, at school or in the community.  They receive this extra support by spending time with a caring, responsible adult in a one-to-one relationship. HOPE has helped the youth in their program show an increase in self-esteem and they also show improvement in the areas of confidence, caring and communication skills. At any given time we have 15 – 20 youth matched with mentors through HOPE.



There are more than 20 boys and girls who are waiting for an adult to volunteer to be their mentor. For youths on the waiting list there are group outings such as bowling, movies and museums several times a year.

Mentors are asked to make a one year commitment to meet twice a month.  Being a mentor is easy.  You don’t need special skills.  You only need to “share what you know.”  If you are willing to spend some time and be a friend to a boy or girl, HOPE Youth Mentoring Program provides the training and ongoing support.  HOPE also organizes some activities for the mentors and their mentees to share.  These include trips to Strong Museum, Minnehan’s, Buffalo Bills games, and Rochester Red Wings games.  Just for fun the mentors and mentees have also gone bowling and to movies.

To be a Mentor you should be:

  • “kid friendly”
  • at least 18 years old (there is no upper age limit)
  • willing to go through screening and background checks
  • willing to participate in training
  • able to make a 1 year commitment
  • ready to set aside 4 hours a month to spend with a special boy or girl

For more information contact Desiree Weldy at 585-991-9049, or by e-mail at [email protected]