2024 Annual Gala

Your sponsorship supports a Critical Mission: Helping People Become Self-Sufficient

We are so excited to announce we will be returning to Willow Creek Venue, for a party you won’t want to miss! We are pleased to offer new and exciting sponsorship/table packages as well as ad purchase options for our event program.

Gala sponsors receive:

  • premium seating at the event
  • preferred ad placement in the Gala Program Book
  • name/logo identification on CCS/L’s website and
  • targeted recognition at the event!

We ask you to look at our sponsorship packages and consider one that would fit your budget and marketing goals.  On behalf of CCS/L, as well as the thousands of clients whom we assist throughout the county, we thank you for your continued support.

For more information, please contact Mary Jo Strong (585) 519-2417 or Nicole Ricker at (585) 447-0468

Sponsorship Packages

$10,000 “Reaching Goals”

Your Sponsorship Includes:  Formal Recognition at Event as the Premier Event Sponsor ∙ Premium Seating for Table of 10 with Wine Pours ∙ Table Service of Dessert and Coffee ∙ Print/Electronic Advertising ∙ Program Book Listing and Ad Placement ∙ Logo on CCS/L Website

$7,500 “Giving Promise”

Your Sponsorship Includes:  Formal Recognition at Event ∙ Premium Seating for Table of 10 with Wine Pours ∙ Table Service of Dessert and Coffee ∙ Print/Electronic Advertising · Program Book Listing and Ad Placement ∙ Logo on CCS/L Website

$5,000 “Inspiring Confidence”

Your Sponsorship Includes:  Formal Recognition at Event ∙ Premium Seating for Table of 8 with Wine Pours ∙ Print/Electronic Advertising · Program Book Listing and Ad Placement ∙ Logo on CCS/L Website

$3,500 “Fostering Independence”

Your Sponsorship Includes:  Formal Recognition at Event ∙ Premium Seating for Table of 8 with Wine Pours ∙ Print/Electronic Advertising · Program Book Listing and Ad Placement ∙ Logo on CCS/L Website


~Or use the online form below for fast, convenient payment~


Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

$800 Table Purchase for Company/Family/Friends

Sponsorship Includes:  Table for 8 (includes dinner and wine pours), Company Name and Logo Displayed in/on: Table Signage ∙Gala Program Book ∙ Social Media Sites

$500 Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Includes: Two Complimentary Event Tickets (includes dinner), Company Name and Logo Displayed in/on: Marketing Materials for Social Media ∙ Gala Program Book   

Purchase an Ad in our Event Program:

-$200 for a half page ad

-$100 for a quarter page ad (business card size)

~Please provide info/logo/business card to be included in the ad, all pictures should be in .jpg or .png format~


~Or use the online form below for fast, convenient payment~

**Completed forms can be returned to Mary Jo Strong at [email protected] or mailed to 34 E. State Street, Mt Morris NY  14510. For questions contact Mary Jo at (585) 519-2417.