Therapeutic Foster Care Case Worker

Therapeutic Foster Care

The Therapeutic Foster Care Caseworker is a full-time staff position, directly responsible to the Foster Care Director and/or Supervisor for fulfilling all case planning functions within the Therapeutic Foster Care Program. This includes assuring the rules and regulations of the NYS Office of Children and Family Services, and the Agency as they are applicable to direct services and ASFA guidelines for children and families, are adequately and appropriately adhered to.  Also, acts as a case planner, at County Request, relating to community agencies, coordinating services as needed to facilitate child and family reunification. Oversees the services of the therapeutic foster home and ensures compliance with each family’s treatment plan through weekly contacts with foster parents and individual meetings with each child. Convenes all case review conferences involving youth, parents, therapeutic foster parents, and other service providers as needed. Provides regular outreach family support and education sessions and refers family members for appropriate resources. Additional duties outlined in the link below.

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